Innovation and pre-development department

In order to maintain the competitiveness of our Company we are constantly upgrading our internal knowledge base.

Our highly skilled engineers and specialists are constantly expanding and deepening their technical knowledge through external and internal R&D projects, laying the groundwork for activities presenting greater added value for our Customers.
Most of our projects are closely related to aluminium die casting, but we are also engaged in distinct areas, such as acoustics, materials with special mechanical properties and their testing, and the validation of new numerical calculation models and their implementation in the product development process.

Working in collaboration with the development departments of the OEMs, we also take part in pre-development projects. This is a very early phase of development, at the level of concepts, where our task is to develop weight-optimised castings fulfilling the requirements specification given by the Client including not only space and weight targets, but also certain kinematic and mechanical boundary conditions, taking into consideration the latter efficient serial production of high quality castings. Upon request, we can also handle the prototype phase and carry out the static load, lifecycle, or vibrational testing of products.

Our links with universities and research institutes:
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Miskolc University, Faculty of Technical Material Sciences                                    
Bay Zoltán Applied Research Nonprofit Kft (BAY-ATI), (BAY-LOGI)
Széchenyi István University
Österreichisches Giesserei-Institut (ÖGI)

Our CAD software products:

Our CAE software products:
ALTAIR Hyperwoks